Essential oils to boost energy and lift a flat mood — Charlotte Evanson

Essential oils to boost energy and lift a flat mood

Feeling flat and low in energy?? Try these essential oils to boost your energy and motivation levels. These are oils I use day to day to help me focus better, fight fatigue and improve a flat mood. 

  • Lemon and wild orange. These two citrus oils are uplifting, positive and mood boosting. They are great to use with tapping or a in a diffuser when you’re working.

  • Peppermint reduces tiredness, helps to lift a tension headache and gives an instant boost of focus

  • Eucalyptus is an invigorating and energising oil. I often inhale it or apply it topically (on my skin - diluted with a carrier oil) before a morning yoga practice 

  • Frankincense is a powerful and uplifting oil which can help to balance hormones and calm the nervous system. It’s the oil I reach for when I’m not sure what I need 

  • Ginger or pink pepper. These oils are spicy and energising. They help to improve focus and instantly wakes me up. I keep pink pepper by my laptop to inhale when my energy and motivation slumps or to give me a lift before a zoom call.

A note on using essential oils…. OIls can be inhaled directly or using a diffuser. You can also apply oils topically using a carrier oil such as fractioned coconut oil.
