An uplifting yin yoga sequence to practice at home — Charlotte Evanson

An uplifting yin yoga sequence to practice at home

Yin became my go to practice during lockdown 1 when I was recovering from an ankle injury. It’s a beautiful way to create space in your body while giving your mind time to rest. I continue to practice yin every week and always sleep better afterwards. 

Here’s a short yin sequence you can practice at home. It focuses on chest and shoulders, great for combatting screen time and lifting stuck energy around the heart. You’ll need some cushions and a blanket. Don’t worry if you don’t have a yoga bolster, just stack up two pillows. 

1. Chest and shoulder opener:

Roll up a blanket and place across your back, along the line of your bra strap. Lie down on your back, legs extended with toes flexed. Let your arms fall out to the sides, elbows bent. Tune into your breath for a few minutes. Inhale for 4 counts, exhale for 6. 

2. Sphinx /Seal:

Lie on your front with a cushion under your shoulders. Place your forearms parallel on the mat, elbows under shoulders, palms down. Look forwards. Hold for 3 mins. Option to stretch more deeply after 2 mins by turning palms out and extending your arms.

3. Melting heart:

Come to hands and knees. Place your forearm across the mat and lower your forehead onto it, or just in front of it. Extend your opposite arm out in front of you. Allow your chest to sink forward. Hold for 2-3 mins then switch sides. 

4. Wide knee child pose:

Sink bottom to heels and widen your knees to mat-width apart, toes touching. Place a cushion between your knees and bring your torso to rest on it. Turn your head to one side. Hold for 3-4 mins, turning your head to the opposite side half way through. 

5. Reclined wide knee pose:

Come to sit in front of your bolster. You can prop the bolster up on blocks to create an angle (lovely to bring more openness to the shoulders). Come to lie down on the bolster. Bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall out to the side, placing them onto cushions for support. Bring your arms alongside your body, palms up. Rest for 3-5 mins. 

6. Final relaxation:

Come to lie flat in savasana. Let your body relax and breathe easily. Rest for at least 5 minutes (or as long as you like)

Here is a short video of the sequence to show you the poses and a playlist for your practice.

Yin Yoga Playlist February (opens in Spotify)

I’d love to hear how you get on!

Heart opening yin (time lapse)
