Practice: 5 ways to unlock creativity and change — Charlotte Evanson

Practice: 5 ways to unlock creativity and change

This month we’re focusing on our yoga practice as a grounding force for times of transition and tapping into our creative energy to think about change we want to make in the season ahead. The second, sacral chakra holds the key to unlocking and harnessing the energy you need to be creative and to make change happen.

Here are 5 ways to embrace change and creativity in your practice:

  1. Meditation: The sacral chakra chakra sits below our navel and is associated with the colour orange. In your meditation bring your awareness to this point in your body and visualise an orange glow. Let the glow intensify on your inhale, and expand outwards on the exhale. You can also incorporate the affirmations below into your practice. 

  2. Yoga: In your asana practice, choose grounding standing poses, like warrior II, reverse warrior and low lunge, that incorporate hip openers which are associated with the sacral chakra. It’s important to build strength and control to enable us to contain and balance this creative energy, so beware of opening too far. Try half hanuman (half splits) and goddess. Supta baddha konasana (reclining bound angle pose) held for up to 5 minutes is a restorative option. 

  3. Mudra: Bring yoni mudra into your meditation or yoga practice. This mudra, made by connecting your index fingers and thumbs into a diamond shape, helps to quieten the mind and connect to your inner feminine energy. Place it over your lower belly with your thumbs under your navel and your index fingers pointing towards your pubic bone, hold for 5-50 breaths. 

  4. Intention - Connect to a sense of possibility and set a new intention for your practice this month. Visualise a change you would like to make in your life - perhaps a project or dream you want to make happen, or a quality you would like more of in your daily life. It doesn’t need to be big; small change can help us make powerful shifts. Choose to dedicate the energy you create to making that change happen. 

  5. Affirmations: Incorporate these affirmations into your practice to connect to the creativity and personal power associated with the sacral chakra:

I am alive, connected and aware 

I am unique and joyful 

I am a creative and passionate being 

I allow myself to feel all of my emotions 

I embrace pleasure and abundance 

I give myself permission to enjoy my sexuality fully 

I feel connected to all the goodnesses and abundance that life has to offer

I have the power to create the life I want 
